Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guinnea Pigs in Cayambe

Hola mis queridos amigos,
Here is my first entry since being in Ecuador. Today is the first time I have time to sit down and process everything that is happening around me. I am a bit rushed for time but will do my best to explain where I am these days!
I am in a town called Cayambe. It is an hour and a half from Ecuador´s capital, Quito, and is a city in the mountains at about 9,000 feet. Needless to say, I am quite dizzy and the altitude is intense. Our Peace Corps group of 68 Americans arrived here yesterday, and immediately split apart and went to our homestays where will will be for the next two months. Since I dont have much time at the moment, let me briefly tell you about this truck.
I, and four other Americans, piled into the back of a truck upon arriving in Cayambe. One by one we were dropped off at our new homes. This was probably one of the scariest things I have ever done, being dropped at the door and told, ¨goodbye! goodluck!¨ My family is very very nice, they are so nice they even prepared GUINNEA PIG for me today...I am one lucky girl.
Upon arrival yesterday, I was taken out back where they keep their chickens, bunnies, corn field, and guinnea pigs. I was admiring how cute all of their animales were, when they picked up the guinnea pigs and told me it was time to kill them.
I was lucky enough to not have to watch the actual death of the poor little guys, but soon after they were brought into the kitchen, thrown into boiling water, then we sat and watched la mama y el papa pluck the hair from the guinnea piggies. I was....shocked.
I declined the offer to eat them, but I have a feeling I will at some point. It will be inevetible, as it is the national food! Yum yum........
Anyway- all is well. I must say I am experiencing quite the culture shock today. But- I know that this is all part of the process and things will get better.
I love and miss everyone very much. Please email me when you can!
Besos grandes,

Spanish word of the day: el cuy-guinnea pig


  1. hello miss made it....what an adventure...want to read more so please write when you can....take care and eat you some of that guinea pig....lolxkim

  2. look at you making your blog! You are way smarter than you thought! haha. sounds like you have a ton of adventure ahead. We are always a phone call away... or a letter... so where can I send letters etc?

  3. What a great adventure you have embraced. Last night, Bill and I went to hear Anthony Bourdain talk at the Moore Theater. He has the best job in the world, adventure food travel. He mentioned el cuy as a delicious meat and possibly the answer to the world's protein problem.

  4. That is my daughter....... open to adventure, although, don't forget your manners, young lady. Your host mama and papa are doing their best to make you feel at home as they prepare their national dish.... at least figure out how to fake that you are eating it. Reminds me of the time your Mama and I went to meet her relatives in Hungary and we were proudly served... LIVER. Your Mama gags at the smell of liver, so she proceeded to pass all of hers over to me. I did my best to get rid of it,,, some by eating, and some by discretely wrapping it in the napkin and excusing myself to head to the toilet and down she went, so to speak. In Thailand, Jeanie and I had a similar experience with some sort of 'mystery meat' that we were served. Thailand is easy, in that there are always hungry dogs cruising around under the tables.... very happy hungry dogs when I got done feeding them.

    Get creative... Love you, Papa

  5. I need an address as well. PLEASE.

    Ummm... hilarious and you will TOTALLY eat the little piggie and I think you might love the shit out of it. They taste like chicken, hahaha. DOnt they say that about everything?

    Anyway, I love the shit out of you and cannot wait to hear more. MISSSSA you. only 46 days for me. LOOOOOOVE LOVE you.

  6. I am ready for your next post please!
