Monday, August 30, 2010

Group Hug

Hello everyone. is off to a running start and things are by no means calm around here. It is something new every single day, its very hard for me to keep up with the blogs and explain details when every day something new is thrown at me! So, as usual, I will talk about what happened today!
Today was my first day of actual work. I think I explained where/with who I was working? If not, I am working for the Patronato del Municipio which is the social work sector of the local government here in Santo Domingo. The projects that I will be working in are:
Sonando por un cambio (dreaming for a change): a nonprofit organization that works with kids that live/spend time in the street and are involved in drugs, alcohol, bad habits. We put on postitive activities for kids and try to get them help.

Working with women sex workers: meeting with prostitutes two or three times a week to give talks about self-esteem, nutrition, sex education. Eventually I want to set up a small business with these women to have them sell sheets/mosquito nets/clothing to earn income. Today I met with 15 women, we gave eachother a big group hug and laughed. It was interesting.
El ancionato: working in an elderly home a couple times a week, passing out food, building a garden so that they can produce their own food to eat, putting on activities for them (dance, music, reading groups)

Playing with 5 years olds in a school to relax and have fun!

Those are the activities that I will be working on. Its alot..but most of these programs are already set up and organized so I am just assiting for now. Later, I will create my own projects.

The things that I am most excited/nervous/passionate about it the project Sonando por un cambio. There are only 5 people in the organization. They are all super cool, young, positive, and interesting. They have adopted me into their group and are excited about me helping them. The problem is, they think I am a specialist in microfinance. Everyone does...I keep TRYING to explain that it was only my MAJOR and am I no means a specialist, but that does not seem to be translating. Two of the people grew up living in the street, they are awesome and really inspiring. Tomorrow, one of them is going to take my to his neighborhood to introduce me to his kids. Needless to say, I'm really nervous.

So my friends all is well. Its tough, because this city is really really poor, dirty, dangerous, and I hate having to always worry about where when how to get anywhere. But, eventually this will get easier I hope.

Thats all for now. Much love.


  1. Mia, this sounds so awesome! I wish so badly I could do something like this one day. I'll keep reading the blog :) Love you, Cousin Maree

  2. Mia..... You continue to make your Papa, and I am sure your Mama, and I know for sure, your Oma, Opa, Pa and Mimi, very, very proud. We all love reading your BLOG entries, so, as challenging as it is to create the time, please keep em coming our way.
    As you settle into these routines, every day will feel more and more comfortable and less and less dangerous.... PROMISE.

    Never Ending Love,
    Your Papa

  3. Mia!

    While you are not an expert, I bet you know a lot more than you think you do. Use that! And if people continue to defer to you for advice, establish yourself as someone who encourages an open environment of brainstorming and sharing, so that everyone contributes to what they think you know're gonna learn so much and actually BECOME an expert!!!


  4. thanks emma....your advice, as always, is most helpful. love you all!
