Monday, September 27, 2010

long time no talk

hello all,
a quick update about what has been going on lately.
i am spent these past three or four weeks getting more acquainted with santo domingo. that has entailed focusing in more on the areas that interest me with work. i have sort of fallen in love with the program Sonando por un Cambio. i am trying very hard to learn as much as i can from them. it is interesting, because before coming into the peace corps i imagined that I would be the one teaching, directing, adding my opinion about how to change things and make them better.
i have quickly realized that that was rather ignorant of me. i am definately doing alot of LEARNING and far less TEACHING, although eventually that will change over time.
to be more specific, Sonando por un Cambio is an organization that works in the poorest barrios (neighborhoods) of Santo Domingo. they have three barrios that they lead after school youth groups with, this is the area i have been helping in. we go in three times a week and lead arts and crafts projects with them. i am learning how to make all sorts of bracelets, earrings, etc. eventually, we want to set up a business for these kids, and have them SELL their products both locally and internationally (hint hint....who wants to buy some cool bracelets??)
the other half of what Sonando por un Cambio does is work with children that live on the streets, and are drug and alcohol dependent. about two weeks ago, i had my first taste of this work...and to say the least it was a bit terrifying.
my coworker, Steven, introduced me to "street life" as he gave me a walking tour of where all the street kids sleep. little did i know we were going to be going to hang out with these kids. he took me to a soccer stadium where all the kids sleep on the bleachers, and we climbed the steps and sat with them. i was sweating and my heart was pounding so fast as we approached this kids (who did not look or act like "kids"). within 5 minutes of being with them, i realized that they, despite their hard lives, were just KIDS. we sat with them as they put away their pipes and drugs, and my coworker talked with them about their situations.
one kid, Ever, decided he had enough of living on the streets, and decided to come with us. although it was hard, we convinced him to come with us and that we would take him to a rehabilitation center for children. walking down the street with Ever and Steven was an amazing experience for me. Steven talked with him about the importance of starting a new life, of stopping his drug habits, of making serious changes. he seemed frightened, but brave.
with all of that being said, the other half of Sonando por un Cambio takes street children and places them in rehabilitation centers around the country. Santo Domingo is in the process of building a rehabilitation center, and i am in the process of learning how they work.
two weeks ago i went to Quito for four days. i was the only girl, accompanied by Steven and my other coworker Marlo. we spent four days in a child rehabilitation center, learning how they function. these were some of the hardest, but most rewarding days of my life thus far. the kids were extremely ROUGH. i couldnt believe i had put myself in this situation. i didnt think i could survive, but i did. the boys loved me, and they were so cute depite how bad they were. their lives in the rehabilitation center is not easy. it felt like a prison. it is very orderly and they are given very strict orders. the kids are not forced to stay, and if they break one of the four rules which are:
1. no using drugs
2. no having sexual relations
3. no physical or verbal violence
4. no stealing
they are kicked out. there was a little boy there, Juan David, who was 5 or 6 years old but he told me he was 11 (none of the kids knew their birthdays). i loved juan david. with me he was a cute little kid, and sat on my lap and was nice. with the other boys he was a complete terror, hitting kicking punching screaming antagonizing kids much older than him. it makes me smile thinking of that little guy.
anyway.....this is only the beginning. i have no idea where all of these new skills will come into place. but i am excited, and nervous about heading into this type of work. for now i am simply LEARNING. i dont have much to offer, except for my presence. every day my coworkers teach me something new, and i am grateful to have met them.
i miss you all..please write more i miss hearing from everyone!


  1. mia, this is such a great blog, i really enjoy reading your stories! really positive work you are doing xoxo

  2. WHOA mia I am so happy for you this is such good work and though you didn't imagine being in a city before it sounds like you are truly using it to you advantage! I hope I can do the same when I get to my city. MISS THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!

  3. Miss Mia...
    As we have been talking, these are experiences that will be with you and open opportunities that define and shape the rest of your life. I am so proud of your strength to step into your fears and your openness to learning and helping others. By the way, what ever happened to capital letters and punctuation? Thanks for sharing and updating your BLOG. We all look forward to reading your latest entry.

    Never Ending Love,
    Your Papa
